Get Involved

Get Involved

We encourage you to get involved at Legal School.  If you are interested in new friends, new skills, the joy of serving others, and an opportunity to learn more about the school and community, please consider joining our team!  


The goals of our volunteer program:

  • To enlist and strengthen the involvement of parents in the education of their children.
  • To provide volunteer help to staff to better meet the needs of students.
  • To develop an environment that promotes friendly two-way communication between home and school.  


Some of the ways our parents can get involved:

  • Attend monthly School Council meetings.  Our meeting dates are listed on the calendar on our website. We generally meet monthly. 
  • Support our parent fundraising committee - The Friends of Legal.
  • Assist with field trips or special school activities
  • Assist with clubs, or coaching teams.
  • Assist with the hot lunch program
  • Support classroom teachers with specific programs and classroom activities
  • Assist with the School Book Fair


If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact the office to fill out the volunteer form.