Charitable Works

GROWING HOPE: A Lenten Project for Ukraine Immigrants

$1025 raised for Catholic Social Services Lenten Campaign

Is not this the fast that I choose…

to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house?

Isaiah 58:6-7

This Lent, various GSACRD school communities are participating in the GSACRD Lenten Campaign to fundraise for Catholic Social Services in support of Immigration and Settlement Services. There is a great need to support families immigrating to Canada, especially those fleeing war in Ukraine.

Students paid various prices to participate in many activities for our 2nd Annual Yes Day. Including wearing PJs, visiting different classes, teaching the class, additional tech time, being Principal for a block and extra gym class! We collected $775 for our Lenten Project for Catholic Social Services.

Thank you, Legal School families, for helping us with this important Lenten project for Catholic Social Services.

2022 Christmas Hamper

The "St. Emile Men of Service" partners with Legal School to ensure all families in Legal have
food and gifts to celebrate the Christmas season. Thank you, École Citadel, our staff, students, and families at Legal School, Morinville Sobeys, and the Catholic Women's League for their generous donations and continued support!