
Competitive Sports Teams

Athletics at Legal School

School teams exist in many athletic areas at Legal School! Students are encouraged to try out for the teams and to develop their athletic skills to a greater degree through practice and game opportunities. Junior High teams compete against other Junior High Schools in the Sturgeon area, and therefore traveling to other schools is required in team sports. Families are expected to cover the costs for this extra-curricular opportunity.

Legal School offers a number of extracurricular sports teams, and our Titans enjoy the opportunity to compete against other schools in Sturgeon County. 

We have senior and junior teams in the following Athletic Programs:

  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Cross-Country running
  • Badminton
  • Track and Field
  • Edmonton Journal Indoor Games.


During the lunch break, students have the opportunity to participate in many sports, regardless of their athletic ability.  This develops a sense of leadership and encourages positive school spirit! We encourage all of our students to enjoy this fun-filled opportunity and join us in celebrating community.


Terry Fox Letter

Please find a letter addressed to Mr. Paik and Legal School thanking us for our involvement in the Terry Fox Foundation. You can read the letter by clicking here

Concussion Procedure Appendix A and C

To ensure the safety of all students, the District has approved a Concussion Administrative Procedure that includes education and a clear protocol to manage situations in which a person is suspected of having a concussion. Part of this protocol requires every school to receive parent permission for their son/daughter/ward to participate fully in all school activities that have identified concussion risks. 

We are requesting that all families:
1. Read Appendix A (Letter to Parents - attached) and, 
2. Sign and Submit Appendix C (Permission and Acknowledgement of Risk - attached) before the student participates in PE, physical activity options (like hockey or rec), or extra-curricular sports. 

These forms are in your registration package.

Concussion Procedure is attached here