Sacramental Preparation

Sacramental Preparation Classes

Sacramental Prep Classes

Legal School and the sacramental team at St. Emile Parish work closely together with families to prepare students in their faith journey.   

St. Emile parish offers sacramental prep classes for First Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist.  Sacramental prep classes are on a two-year rotation.  Year One, in March, students take part in the First Reconciliation course.  Year Two, in November, students take part in Confirmation classes.  First Eucharist classes follow in April.  Students must complete First Reconciliation to take part in Confirmation and First Eucharist. 

Classes are four weeks long and cost $20.00 each to cover the cost of books and expenses.

Classes are interactive and involve many learning strategies, celebrations, and crafts to engage the students and help them understand and enjoy learning about God’s grace and love.  St. Emile parish sacramental team looks forward to helping you with your child’s faith journey.  Please call the rectory office at (780) 961-3613 to register and for more information.

St. Emile Parish Information

Except for sickness, students are expected to attend every class. If you foresee your child missing any of the classes, please consider registering for next year.

Age Recommendations:

  • Sacrament of Reconciliation - grade 2 and older
  • Sacrament of First Communion - grade 3 and older
  • Sacrament of Confirmation - grade 3 and older

Click here for Greater St. Alberta School Division Sacramental Preparation information.