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Pre-Kindergarten Program at Legal School

Join our Pre-Kindergarten Program

"Achieving Potential Through Active Learning”

Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools Pre-Kindergarten (formally Preschool) program offers learning opportunities in all areas of early childhood development. Led by certified teaching staff, educational assistants and specialized therapists, children of all abilities become confident learners. Your child will gain skills through play, inquiry, creativity, problem solving, social interaction as well as early literacy, language and numeracy activities.

Eligibility:  Children attend the year prior to Kindergarten (Exception: Children eligible for PUF funding can attend up to two years prior to Kindergarten). Additional programming, therapy, and support for English Language Learners (ELL) is available for eligible children in all areas of development.

Pre-Kindergarten Screening

To provide your child with an optimal Pre-K experience, all children participate in a developmental 'screen' to help us learn about your child's strengths and abilities. Your child will be involved in play activities with one of the Pre-K therapists. This process helps us to determine if your child qualifies for a fundedplacement (by Alberta Education) in the program in order to access additional supports, or a non-funded placement (parents pay a monthly fee).

Please sign up for a Pre-Kindergarten screening time by phoning Jane Davis at or by phone at 780-459-7711.

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